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2. The different functions of social work writing

Look at the clusters of different kinds of writing that social workers do. Map these against the 11 key functions listed  in the left hand column of the Table. Use drag and drop by clicking on examples and dragging them across to the relevant right hand column of  the Table.


case notes; contact log; statutory visit record social stories; worksheets; flip charts in person-centred review emails, instant messaging, letters agenda; minutes; list of people attending pathway plan; AMHP (Approved mental health practitioner) report; best interest statement report on a student; portfolio; supervision record chronology; genogram assessment of needs and outcomes; parenting assessment; risk profile to do lists; online diary entry; annual leave requests housing application; NSPCC check; referral for emergency home based respite care contact agreements; contract monitoring form
Functions of writing Examples
Preparatory, interim or short texts, often as part of/before larger activity, or one offs 
Applications for services, equipment, support checks and referrals
Document often on a template to provide services/equipment or specific actions 
Document often on a template to check or evidence eligibility or risk, usually in preparation for allowing or preventing service provision or moving onto a next stage in a process 
Communication with others
Sharing/requesting information, via different technologies and media
Contracts/contractual information
Documents that set out formal arrangements, often with sanctions if not adhered to
Case recording
Ongoing logging of case activity, usually stored centrally on an authority-based IT system
Texts that illustrate a process or relationships, often accompanying other documentation
Documents when working with clients
Documents often completed whilst with clients, often to aid interaction/inform decisions. 
Meeting-related paperwork
Texts written in preparation for, during and to document meetings
Documents often on a template, with the purpose to evaluate, summarise, and/or state next actions to be done, after an event or process of engagement
Training/supervision documentation
Texts aimed a arranging, delivering, evaluating and undertaking training and supervision activities