Voice is often used to refer to the ways in which we refer to ourselves in writing and our actions (for example, I visited Maria Perez or Maria Perez was visited) and how we refer to others (for example as Maria Perez, Mrs Perez or Mum). In writing social work texts, you make lots of choices about how to represent yourself and others.

In order to begin to think about voice, look at the examples from written texts and use the drag and drop function to map the examples against the different categories .

I would strongly recommend that the children are placed on child protection plans. The aim is to support John in transitioning in to his new flat, by providing support to him in managing his daily routine and preparing meals. It was agreed there should be an adjournment. Jane disclosed that her Mother sexually abused her between the ages of 6 and 10. Her son gave her 'a dirty look'. I have attempted to contact you by telephone but got your answer phone
Voice Examples
Written in first person singular
Written in third person
Written in impersonal third person/passive
Addressed to an authority (implied)
Addressed to service user
Use of quotations