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4. Words used to report others’ perspectives

Read examples 1-10 below. What differences do you notice in the words used to report the perspectives or views of different people?

  1. Ann stated she feels strong now and feels she can put things in place to ensure the children are happy.
  2. Letitia wishes to remain in this area as she is originally from here.
  3. Julie has stated throughout the parenting assessment that she wishes for all three children to return to her care
  4. The children’s school attendance is currently a concern, …
  5. It is of concern that Ms Green did not disclose her drug misuse
  6. School do not have any concerns regarding Jack and potential ADHD,
  7. Pik stated that she feels “too scared” to leave the house on her own,
  8. Concerns raised by GP Dr Thompson. She has seen Eli in surgery and has on-going concerns around Eli’s ability to care for the children.
  9. Concerns from an anonymous caller made to Social Care to state that Mae was intoxicated when collecting Beth from school and had Reggie under her arm.
  10. She wishes to be a singer or a teacher when she is older.